Whoever came up with the “pussy hats” was brilliant. Looking
at that sea of pink displayed on Saturday was heartening and powerful. All I
know is that I want one. I wear hats all the time and really think it would be
a dynamite addition to my collection.
But wearing the hat, a symbol of the Women’s March on
Saturday, carries far more weight than just a fashion statement. It is a symbol
of the uprising that covers more than just women’s rights and issues. It is
about being pissed off about the new master in the White House. It is outrage against
everything that he has said and represents. It is a call to arms, a wake-up
call, Paul Revere ride through the night about the threats to our civil
liberties, to our democracy, to our Republic, to the state’s rights we cherish that
just might disappear under the new administration.
The cat-earred chapeau is more than a head warmer, it is a
sign that we are not going to go quietly into that good night. We have
struggled mightily for decades and will go to great lengths to preserve our
On Saturday we rolled into town just as the parade was
ending. Somehow I was living in a cave all week and missed out on attending one
of the biggest events since the anti-war marches of the 60’s. Maybe it was just
as well. If we had gotten there on time we would have been part of a historic
day, we would have added to the numbers, not just in Denver but to the
international scene. Instead we drove through the crowds still spilling off the
parade route and made our way across town to Sushi Rama for lunch.
As I sat there with my family, picking off plate after plate
of carousel sushi, baked to a nice finish thanks to a wee bit of homemade
cannabis baklava, I thought of how lucky I was to be living in a state that allowed
for such a thing to happen. That I could be out in public and not have to worry
about the man coming down on our family outing. There was an overall sense of
happiness that went along with the lack of paranoia that I totally loved that
day. I didn’t have to fear cannabis any more than I had to fear arrest or being
hassled for being high. I could get fueled up, lightly, as is my preference,
and be able to go out to eat, navigate around town, go to a very busy museum,
groove, and not be bothered by anybody.
As the song goes, ain’t nobodies business but my own if I wanted to be buffeted
about by the wee winds of a cannabis high. But like the libertarian ethos that
goes along with that, you get to have those freedoms by maintaining and respecting
the lives of others as well.
In other words, be cool.
That’s what those million plus folks did on Saturday. There
were out there, walking for our freedoms and being cool. Quiet, peaceful
protest. But with a kicker: it is out there now that we are not going to take
any outrage or bullshit against us lightly. Our new president woke up on
Saturday with a parade right down the block that let him know that we had our
eyes on him and we are going to watch his every step, from inauguration day on.
I love my cannabis freedoms. I wasn’t wearing a pussy hat on
Saturday. Nor did I march in a parade. No, had my own little bit of civil disobedience
that day. Instead of going along quietly with Federal law I immersed myself in
a peaceful groovy kind of day. I stuck my finger in the eye of those folks out there
who say that I am menace to society if I indulge in cannabis. On Saturday I
showed the world that I was a peaceful citizen, a well composed and controlled cannabis
aficionado and loving family man. I ate
a teaspoon of marijuana edibles and peacefully and respectfully comported
myself around town and the region. The biggest threat I posed that day was to a
chili cheeseburger at Der Wienerschnitzel. I savaged that thing.
Yes, I partake in cannabis. Yes, I am a voting man. Yes, I
believe in personal liberties. And yes, we will vote the fuckers out if they
don’t behave. If that doesn’t work, well, impeachment just might do the trick.
Signs of the times!
Signs of the times!