Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Four finger baggie

It used to be a incredibly visceral thrill, laying that sandwich bag up against the palm of your hand, feeling the weight of the grass, holding the dope just so in your hand so that the edge of the bag lined up against your fingers, measuring the mota in a very unscientific sort of way that said, yes, this was a righteous four finger bag. Once the visual was ascertained it was time to open it, sniff it, toy with the colas a bit and then hand over your 40 bucks, the going rate for an ounce of Colombian back in the mid to late seventies.

I just came back from a visit to Natures Herb. I went over to use a coupon they had in this month’s circular but instead was waylaid by an even better deal: instead of an eighth of top shelf Hawaiian Express for 40 bucks I got a quarter oz of bottom shelf of the same strain for the same price! I know, there is a difference where that mota comes from on the plant but with that particular strain I think I can live with the difference in strength for that price break.

The great sadness of living here in a legal state is that the thrill of the baggie is long gone. Marijuana here is served up very professionally, bureaucratically and clinically. The ubiquitous plastic cylinders are not at all attractive or thrilling, not by any stretch of the imagination. They must be terrific landfill cloggers and their safety component...squeeze and "pop!.... is highly over-rated. But like we say here at the library, it is what it is. I have no idea how the black market serves up its dope these days. Do they give you a choice of baggie or canister? Are the bags zip locked for freshness? With all the choices out there built around convenience and ease of use does it matter what the mota comes in so long as it transports home safely and keeps the dope fresh before you get around to smoking it?

No matter, I am a happy man. I feel like I have been blowing an exorbitant amount of high dough on cannabis lately but at the same time know that somehow it will all be put to good use someday. One way or the other that flower will be fodder for the vape or a base for the butter. I know that at some point I will start to play with and fire up that grass in a microdose sort of fashion but for the time being I am super happy just be able to glean the strains I have heard so much about and stash them away in my mota "toybox".

When I went into The Bud Depot the other day and picked up that gram of Colombian Gold for my birthday I was thrilled, especially now that I know that the stock sold out almost right away. I feel the same way right now about that Hawaiian Express purchase. Before I know it that particular strain will be gone, but not in the same way that grass would be gone back in the day when looking for dealers was like playing whack a mole. I may not be getting my mota in sandwich bags by the ounce anymore but one thing I do know for certain is that once my favorite strain runs out there will be another “favorite” following it close behind.

Miss the baggies but love the convenience!


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