Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Microdose for your health!

There is something to be said for moderation in all things.

I know it’s fashionable when you are young to go for the gusto, to show off your ability, not only to all your friends but to the whole god damned world, that you can consume and hold down the biggest amount of any given substance possible without killing yourself. I know for a fact that back in the day I pursed those extra large doses of what have you whenever I felt I had the window of opportunity to do so. Your average weekend was fine but long weekends were even better. They were made to not so much pace yourself but to lay in as much stock as possible and then burn through that stock as quickly as you could. And if you ran out, well, what the hell, it was time to make another run to the convenience store or get on the phone and make that connection!

Well, for the most part those days are behind me. Now, don’t get me wrong. When I get my thirst up, well then, Katie bar the door. But being a family man and a humble librarian of simple means I just don’t have the time, wherewithal or big bad habits that allow me to burn through six packs or ounces like I did way back when. I like it that my tolerance is down, way down. I like it that I can go to the local bottle shop and pick up a rack of beer and know that it will be around for a while. What I like even better than that is knowing that I can go to the dispensary and buy a few grams and be assured that quite a bit of that good stuff will be around for me next weekend or even longer than that.

I think I was way ahead of this current trend, this micro dose movement. I just tend to not smoke all that much in a sitting, never have. Back in the fleet I know I would piss off and amaze my fellow shipmates when, at the end of a weekend, I would find myself to be the only guy still left holding. They couldn’t quite understand how I could hit the beach and not burn through my ounce. I have carried forward that habit of low and slow smoking, have done so for years not so much out of cheapness or lack of desire but more built out of the simple need of not wishing to be desperate for a toke

Just to set things straight I am this way with food, too. Love a well stocked larder, always have. I like to see food in my cupboards more than I like to see cash in the bank. Same with my mota. Weird but true.

When I lived up in Washington I had to scale back as family men tend to do. I purchased my last ounce right after my second boy was born. I made that oh zee last for years. It was pretty much worthless by the time I hit NorCal but  I was proud how far my conservation efforts took me. By the time I landed on the coast I had lost my knack for rounding up cannabis completely so it was good that the culture was so open and that cannabis was so widely available. By the time made it across the Rockies all that mattered not a wit because my Cali med card was worthless and here, well, here I live in a state of legalized bliss. I can get my pot seven days a week if I want to, Not that I can or do, just saying.

But what is truly great is that it really doesn’t matter. I don’t feel the need to have it because I have it around me and in my home pretty much whenever I want it. But now instead of going hog ass wild with it, like some sort of latter day Scrooge McDuck, I just sit on my stash and moderately indulge in it when I want to.

To indulge properly you need tools, I am a man who loves his tools. In order to properly do just about anything you’ve got to have the right tools on hand to do the job right. To that end, I have a simple vape pipe (a nice little wooden Magic Flight Launch Box), I own a glass one hitter bat, a psychedelic glass spoon and a Chemex looking bong. I love my tinctures and edibles, love my Raw papers and all the rest of my paraphernalia. I still surround myself with all these cool things, thinking, whoa, there must be a party out there somewhere, never can tell just what might be needed. But anymore these days I know that line of thinking is pretty much done with and pretty silly to boot. All you really need to enjoy good pot well is a solid one hitter. The rest of that stuff, well, I'll save it for those imaginary parties. My habits have come a long way from the days when we would sit around with Black Sabbath blaring and roll joint after joint.

Goodness, I mean, we can only get SO HIGH, you know? Couldn't have told me way back when but I certainly know and appreciate it now. What I love about the research and the trend of micro dosing is that it backs me up. You really only need a hit or two to get great physical and spiritual benefits out of marijuana. With that micro dose you can get out and about, be on your way, stay below the radar and enjoy yourself without making a fool of yourself. Certainly, I do enjoy a wild, over the top psychedelic session every once in a while. But what I love even more is knowing that I can take that dropper of tincture or take that hit or eat that low dose edible and still be able to do my thing out in the world and not have to worry about anyone having an issue with my mota experience, all the while knowing that my body, heart and mind is benefiting from all that cannabis goodness.

If you are a big dose kind of guy or gal, do yourself a favor and dial it down for a bit. Try out micro dosing and see if it works for you. Even if it doesn’t it won’t harm you, it will only help to make things better. Just imagine the thrill you’ll get once you get back in the game! You’ll find your stash goes further and that special kind of high you thought you had lost forever just came back bigger and better than before.

As for me, micro dosing is what I do. I love it. Bet you will, too, if you give it a chance.


Many great articles and comments about the fine world of micro dosing!







1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that today's children are using smoking or harmful drugs just because of their friends or fashion. Keep share post like this.

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