Thursday, August 25, 2016

Care and feeding of your mind (on edibles!)

At the outset of any new endeavor there are bound to be bumps in the road that can throw you, send you down strange paths, lead to bruises, scrapes and bewilderment. Think of when you first learned to ride a bike. If you were anything like me I can imagine that you found yourself on the sidewalk and under that bicycle many times after those training wheels came off. After a while, though, that bike became your friend and those wild bumpy roads a thing to master and enjoy.

Taking on new risky stuff can sometimes be fraught with peril but the joys of overcoming obstacles, building skill sets, developing talents and acquiring stories is part of what makes those new things fun. Later on, once you’ve mastered those pursuits, you can then share your hard won talents and skills with other newcomers to the arts and show them the ropes, teach them things that will make those pursuits more valuable, enjoyable and fun to experience.

There is nothing better than a guide or a mentor at the outset of a journey to show you the way. Rick Steves has made his millions showing folks the way around Europe with his videos, the Moon and Rough Guides have made getting around the world with a backpack strapped on more pleasurable and now, thanks to online sites like The Cannabist, Leafly and Green Rush Daily, one should never have to fire up a strain or nosh on an edible without knowing what one is getting into.

One of the great things about the legalization and regulation of cannabis products here in Colorado is the legislative oversight and industry regulations that are going into the production of edibles. Thanks to folks like Maureen Dowd and her well-publicized overconsumption of marijuana products we have become much more aware not only on the effects of edibles on newbies but on the importance of educating new comers to cannabis about how edibles work, what to expect from them and how to safely consume them.

Alas, not everyone has the sense to listen. For some the learning curve is steep. Auto accidents, accidental overdoses and people jumping from high windows will happen no matter what you say or do. No matter what, though, educating folks about the joys and challenges of consuming marijuana has to be at the forefront of minds of the captains of the cannabis industry. No sending folks off into the stratosphere without a bit of coaching, without a review of what’s on the labels, without telling your customers what to expect from a 5 mg, dose of black cherry chocolate bar or what they could expect to experience if they decide to eat not just a nibble but the whole marijuana brownie, instead.

I have learned to master the art of eating edibles over the years and I a happier man for that. Each and every one I have noshed on has been different experience, and depending on what I had going on in my life at the moment seemed to change how the experience went. The easy access to a wide variety of delicious legal cannabis products here along the Front Range has made experimenting with edibles a joy. For a while there I would consume a hard candy, a wafer, a slip of chocolate on my way home from work. Those days it was about 45 minutes from door to door, just long enough to take in the sights and make it home before the real joy of prime THC kicked in. It was always nice to slip off my shoes, make a quick supper, put on some tea water and relax, knowing that the effects of that edible was not only going to make movie watching that night a pleasure but help make sleep a real joy.

So seek out a gummy,a chocolate, a brownie, a soda or hard candy at your local dispensary and enjoy! Be sensible, be smart and have fun!


A socially progressive edibles company: AmeriCannaCo

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